TAROT-CARD reading 1


SKU: tarot-card-reading-1 Category:


This product is for a one-hour tarotcard-reading, with one horarychart, astrology, preperation of half an hour for me. (500dkr is around 80 dollars
This is my cheapest form of reading and by far the shortest.
In my opinion the longer ones are the best, when you are a firsttimer, since we will not get as deeply into your story and lifepurpose here. In the tarotcardreading we only look at one question of yours.
We connect the dots to your life as we go along, but having just one hour, we will not get all the way around it, as we can with the full readings.
You will get the essential messages though, that you will be able to use in your situation.

You need to provide me with your question, sent on an email to: maria@rainbowland.dk once you have placed your order. You can add additional information concerning your question, if you want to deepen it. It can provide the reading with some depth and save you some time, to give you a longer reading.
After this we will scedule a time for your appointment, and exchange Skype-, Whatsapp-, Line- or Messengerinformation, depending on which free comunicationservice, you prefer to use.

I use the classical Rider Waite middle-age cards given to me by my father, who is a tarotcard-reader too.
These are my primary cards which I always use, but I always spice up the reading by letting my clients choose one or two additional carddecks, which will serve as a nice supplement to the traditional cards.
Depending on where I am at the time, Denmark or Japan, I have 10-20 different type of decks, counting; Astrology-cards, Archangel cards, Masters-cards, Goddess-cards, Sacred Rebel-cards, Angeloracle-cards, Eckart Tolle, power of now-cards etc.

ADDITIONAL INFO: Basically all the long astrology-readings include a tarotcard-reading at the end or during the reading. The tarotcards confirms what the charts already says, but makes it more fun for the clients to see the images and have their heart touched through this kind of nonverbal comunication.
Everything we go through, throughout these sessions is a guidance directly from you higher self picking the cards through me and you, giving you answers your oversoul wants you to understand. Perhaps your ego will not like these answers, which you in any case already know deep down inside, which is why you come to get them confirmed.

THESE ASTROLOGY-READINGS GO DEEP. As deep as many sessions or more over years at shrinks these readings cut to the core. We record everything, cause everyone needs time afterwards to hear the informations again and again to understand the layers more fully on deeper levels.
Besides from astrology I use Channeling – I tune into your heart empathically, and I vibrate with your energy to get in contact with your higher self, who knows all the answers. Simple process. We all do it everyday unconsciousle, I just donit more consciously.
During these 8 hours I do you and your partners ( plus your childs):
– Personal horoscope, which means:
a) The sunsignhoroscope & b) radix (horoscope from the ascendant)
– horarycharts: all the questions we can get to go through, which usually is 5 primary questions, plus the loose, that follows within this timeframe.
– Soulpurpose-reading
– One tarotreading in correspondance to the already posed questions.

Watch more info through clicking on the other astrologyreadings and prices, I generally cost 100 dokllars pr. hour, but if you have certain circumstances, let me know and we will see, if we can find out of the right price according to these circumstanes.

Remember to ALWAYS pose your questions to me ONE BY ONE IN SEPERATE EMAILS!!! And send them to:

Kindest regards and hugs
Your modern shaman

MARIA MARIA in RainbowLand
Maria Hjelmborg

Ps. Remember you can always subscribe to our newsletter which gives you free weekly forecasts for each of the 12 sunsigns plus a collective report, 12 in english and 12 in spanish.

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